Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of www.gov.uk shows: 2176 total words, 316 1-word, 562 2-word phrases, 632 3-word phrases, 666 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (17 characters)
Welcome to GOV.UK
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (68 characters)
GOV.UK - The best place to find government services and information.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 316 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 562 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1sign in81.42%
2in the71.25%
3on a61.07%
4and living50.89%
5and the50.89%
6additional cookies50.89%
7help us40.71%
8search govuk40.71%
9childcare and40.71%
10account sign40.71%
11this page40.71%
12the uk40.71%
13search and40.71%
14guidance and30.53%
15services money30.53%
16on govuk30.53%
17jobs and30.53%
18working jobs30.53%
19research and30.53%
20and immigration30.53%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 632 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1account sign in40.63%
2guidance and regulation30.47%
3policy papers and30.47%
4childcare and parenting30.47%
5living in the30.47%
6in the uk30.47%
7justice and the30.47%
8education and learning30.47%
9housing and local30.47%
10and local services30.47%
11services money and30.47%
12money and tax30.47%
13visas and immigration30.47%
14us improve govuk30.47%
15working jobs and30.47%
16statistics policy papers30.47%
17help us improve30.47%
18papers and consultations20.32%
19vote in the20.32%
20and the law20.32%
21the law disabled20.32%
22law disabled people20.32%
23disabled people driving20.32%
24people driving and20.32%
25driving and transport20.32%
26and learning employing20.32%
27crime justice and20.32%
28learning employing people20.32%
29employing people environment20.32%
30people environment and20.32%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 666 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1help us improve govuk30.45%
2housing and local services30.45%
3statistics policy papers and30.45%
4services money and tax30.45%
5crime justice and the20.30%
6and learning employing people20.30%
7education and learning employing20.30%
8by 18 june to20.30%
918 june to vote20.30%
10june to vote in20.30%
11to vote in the20.30%
12disabled people driving and20.30%
13law disabled people driving20.30%
14the law disabled people20.30%
15and the law disabled20.30%
16justice and the law20.30%
17vote in the general20.30%
18employing people environment and20.30%
19in the general election20.30%
20living in the uk20.30%
21and living in the20.30%
22citizenship and living in20.30%
23and parenting citizenship and20.30%
24childcare and parenting citizenship20.30%
25selfemployed childcare and parenting20.30%
26death marriages and care20.30%
27births death marriages and20.30%
28benefits births death marriages20.30%
29information benefits births death20.30%
30analysis and official statistics20.30%
31sign in or set20.30%
32learning employing people environment20.30%
33agencies and public bodies20.30%
34register by 18 june20.30%
35departments agencies and public20.30%
36official statistics policy papers20.30%
37policy papers and consultations20.30%
38rules research and statistics20.30%
39and rules research and20.30%
40regulations and rules research20.30%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/gov-uk-banner/?c=no-js Whoisco.uk