Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of wordsmyth.net shows: 1482 total words, 225 1-word, 403 2-word phrases, 425 3-word phrases, 429 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (75 characters)
Dictionaries and vocabulary tools for English language learners | Wordsmyth
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (139 characters)
English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (139 characters)
dictionary, thesaurus, example sentences, wordsmyth
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 225 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
2 146.22%

Two Word Phrases

# Words 403 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1   61.49%
2read more40.99%
3the app40.99%
4google play30.74%
5on google30.74%
6it on30.74%
7get it30.74%
8store get30.74%
9app store30.74%
10childrens dictionary30.74%
11download on30.74%
12dictionary has30.74%
13well as20.50%
14as well20.50%
15comprehensive dictionary20.50%
16has a20.50%
17group subscription20.50%
18for both20.50%
19support for20.50%
20available for20.50%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 425 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1     40.94%
2the app store30.71%
3on google play30.71%
4it on google30.71%
5store get it30.71%
6app store get30.71%
7get it on30.71%
8download on the20.47%
9on the app20.47%
10as well as20.47%
11educational group subscription20.47%
12get the help10.24%
13about the difficult10.24%
14covid19 with their10.24%
15of covid19 with10.24%
16topic of covid1910.24%
17difficult topic of10.24%
18the difficult topic10.24%
19to talk about10.24%
20talk about the10.24%
21they need to10.24%
22need to talk10.24%
23infection so that10.24%
24so that educators10.24%
25kto2 students read10.24%
26that educators may10.24%
27educators may get10.24%
28may get the10.24%
29young kto2 students10.24%
30new educational game10.24%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 429 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1get it on google30.70%
2it on google play30.70%
3       30.70%
4store get it on30.70%
5app store get it30.70%
6the app store get30.70%
7on the app store20.47%
8download on the app20.47%
9educators may get the10.23%
10to talk about the10.23%
11need to talk about10.23%
12they need to talk10.23%
13may get the help10.23%
14that educators may get10.23%
15about the difficult topic10.23%
16so that educators may10.23%
17infection so that educators10.23%
18and infection so that10.23%
19illness and infection so10.23%
20to illness and infection10.23%
21related to illness and10.23%
22we added new words10.23%
23addition we added new10.23%
24in addition we added10.23%
25love in addition we10.23%
26talk about the difficult10.23%
27online dictionarythesaurus log in10.23%
28the difficult topic of10.23%
29new educational game appwild10.23%
30with 183 wordlists from10.23%
31play with 183 wordlists10.23%
32to play with 18310.23%
33available to play with10.23%
34now available to play10.23%
35learneris now available to10.23%
36educational game appwild word10.23%
37our new educational game10.23%
38difficult topic of covid1910.23%
39more our new educational10.23%
40read more our new10.23%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.facebook.com/WordsmythDictionary Whoisfacebook.com
2 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuG0DHLtBFTAP7_RWlKdDnw Whoisyoutube.com
3 https://www.instagram.com/wordsmythdictionary/ Whoisinstagram.com