Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of wanderlog.com shows: 3168 total words, 429 1-word, 836 2-word phrases, 934 3-word phrases, 969 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (65 characters)
Wanderlog: best free travel itinerary & road trip planner app
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (160 characters)
Plan your vacation or road trip with the best travel planner for marking routes, plans, and maps with your friends, on web or in a mobile app (Android and iOS).
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (55 characters)
You'll never travel without our trip planner again

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 429 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 836 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1get the172.03%
2picture for131.56%
3profile picture121.44%
4the app111.32%
5app from101.20%
6by destination80.96%
7trip plan80.96%
8from the80.96%
9to visit70.84%
10places to70.84%
11google play70.84%
12app store70.84%
13the best60.72%
14our trip60.72%
15ios app50.60%
16your trip50.60%
17app storeget50.60%
18android app50.60%
19the android50.60%
20road trip50.60%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 934 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1profile picture for121.28%
2places to visit60.64%
3get the app60.64%
4ios app from50.54%
5the android app50.54%
6android app from50.54%
7app from the50.54%
8janet kar wang40.43%
9app from google40.43%
10to visit by40.43%
11storeget the android40.43%
12app storeget the40.43%
13the app storeget40.43%
14from the app40.43%
15from google play40.43%
16keep track of30.32%
17free travel app30.32%
18around the world30.32%
19get the ios30.32%
20new york city30.32%
21the ios app30.32%
22planner use wanderlog30.32%
23best places to30.32%
24city guide profile20.21%
25for janet kar20.21%
26picture for janet20.21%
27with ❤ in20.21%
28❤ in sfmore20.21%
29in sfmore ©20.21%
30guide profile picture20.21%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 969 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1ios app from the50.52%
2the android app from50.52%
3app storeget the android40.41%
4app from the app40.41%
5storeget the android app40.41%
6android app from google40.41%
7app from google play40.41%
8from the app storeget40.41%
9places to visit by40.41%
10the ios app from30.31%
11the app storeget the30.31%
12get the ios app30.31%
13best places to visit30.31%
14how to embed a20.21%
15year places to visit20.21%
16and edit your trips20.21%
17access and edit your20.21%
18to visit by destination20.21%
19visit by destination get20.21%
20picture for janet kar20.21%
21for janet kar wang20.21%
22janet kar wang janet20.21%
23budgetingcost tracking how to20.21%
24app access and edit20.21%
25travel app access and20.21%
26kar wang janet kar20.21%
27keep track of your20.21%
28tracking how to embed20.21%
29with our free travel20.21%
30our free travel app20.21%
31free travel app access20.21%
32by destination get the20.21%
33destination get the appget20.21%
34get the appget the20.21%
35go with our free20.21%
36your travel blog jobs20.21%
37weather around the world20.21%
38guide profile picture for20.21%
39of cities and national20.21%
40cities and national parks20.21%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.lydiascapes.com/what-is-rock-climbing/ Whoislydiascapes.com
2 https://coupletraveltheworld.com Whoiscoupletraveltheworld.com
3 https://www.insidethetravellab.com/the-50-best-travel-websites/ Whoisinsidethetravellab.com
4 https://bookwithmatrix.com Whoisbookwithmatrix.com
5 https://www.travelinglifestyle.net/best-travel-planning-apps/ Whoistravelinglifestyle.net
6 https://twocents.lifehacker.com/bookwithmatrix-makes-it-dead-simple-to-buy-plane-ticket-1780142551 Whoislifehacker.com
7 https://www.travelanddestinations.com/ultimate-guide-to-planning-a-multi-destination-trip/ Whoistravelanddestinations.com
8 https://wanderlustmarriage.com/richmond-virginia-weekend-itinerary/ Whoiswanderlustmarriage.com