Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of wa.gov shows: 1893 total words, 296 1-word, 502 2-word phrases, 542 3-word phrases, 553 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (13 characters)
Home | WA.gov
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (0 characters)
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (27 characters)
Welcome to Washington State

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 296 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 502 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1to get40.80%
2howto guides40.80%
3government employee40.80%
4seniors visitors30.60%
5how to30.60%
6washington state30.60%
7government employees30.60%
8agencies government30.60%
9government agencies30.60%
10you need30.60%
11in to30.60%
12to help30.60%
13people with30.60%
14families people30.60%
15for businesses30.60%
16information for30.60%
17support for30.60%
18find a30.60%
19of washington20.40%
20lake crescentolympic20.40%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 542 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1information for businesses30.55%
2agencies government employees30.55%
3families people with30.55%
4skip to main20.37%
5travel your government20.37%
6to main content20.37%
7seniors visitors howto20.37%
8education work healthsafety20.37%
9government agencies government20.37%
10work healthsafety recreation20.37%
11disabilities seniors visitors20.37%
12people with disabilities20.37%
13find an agency20.37%
14to help you20.37%
15lake crescentolympic national20.37%
16crescentolympic national park20.37%
17file a complaint20.37%
18visitors howto guides20.37%
19the month june10.18%
20your support for10.18%
21show your support10.18%
22month show your10.18%
23pride month show10.18%
24month june is10.18%
25support for the10.18%
26is the end10.18%
27of the month10.18%
28end of the10.18%
29the end of10.18%
30the 2slgbtqia community10.18%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 553 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1skip to main content20.36%
2families people with disabilities20.36%
3lake crescentolympic national park20.36%
4education work healthsafety recreation20.36%
5government agencies government employees20.36%
6seniors visitors howto guides20.36%
7pride month toolkit to10.18%
8threatened habitats and endangered10.18%
9the end of the10.18%
10is the end of10.18%
11funding is the end10.18%
1220252027 funding is the10.18%
13for 20252027 funding is10.18%
14apply for 20252027 funding10.18%
15to apply for 2025202710.18%
16deadline to apply for10.18%
17and endangered species the10.18%
18habitats and endangered species10.18%
19preserve threatened habitats and10.18%
20of the month june10.18%
21help preserve threatened habitats10.18%
22to help preserve threatened10.18%
23land to help preserve10.18%
24sell or donate their10.18%
25can sell or donate10.18%
26long free 247365 text10.18%
27landowners can sell or10.18%
28forest landowners can sell10.18%
29program forest landowners can10.18%
30space program forest landowners10.18%
31open space program forest10.18%
32end of the month10.18%
33month long free 24736510.18%
34the pride month toolkit10.18%
35flag raising and postceremony10.18%
36download the pride month10.18%
37and download the pride10.18%
38month toolkit to celebrate10.18%
3913 and download the10.18%
40june 13 and download10.18%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.heraldnet.com/opinion/comment-innovation-policy-join-to-slash-air-travel-pollution/ Whoisheraldnet.com
2 https://hearmewa.org/ Whoishearmewa.org