Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of utah.edu shows: 1825 total words, 298 1-word, 475 2-word phrases, 513 3-word phrases, 539 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (22 characters)
The University of Utah
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (385 characters)
Founded in 1850, The University of Utah is the flagship institution of higher learning in Utah, and offers over 100 undergraduate and more than 90 graduate degree programs to over 30,000 students. As a preeminent research and teaching institution, the University cultivates an academic environment in which the highest standards of intellectual integrity and scholarship are practiced.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (385 characters)
future students, students, faculty, staff, visitors, alumni, about the U, academics, research, arts, outreach, healthcare, athletics, give to the U
H1 H1 tag on the page (22 characters)
The University of Utah

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 298 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 475 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1the u234.84%
2of u183.79%
3university of102.11%
4of utah102.11%
5the university91.89%
6u of61.26%
7on campus51.05%
8u health51.05%
9student life40.84%
10vp of40.84%
11new student30.63%
12about the30.63%
13campus new30.63%
14office of30.63%
15health education30.63%
16patient care30.63%
17of health30.63%
18arts u20.42%
19shop utah20.42%
20campus directory20.42%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 513 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1university of utah101.95%
2the university of91.75%
3u of u61.17%
4of u health50.97%
5u health education30.58%
6about the u30.58%
7arts youth arts20.39%
8youth arts u20.39%
9arts u of20.39%
10research patient care20.39%
11programs professional arts20.39%
12patient care athletics20.39%
13care athletics utah20.39%
14athletics utah athletics20.39%
15utah athletics buy20.39%
16athletics buy tickets20.39%
17buy tickets schedule20.39%
18professional arts youth20.39%
19of u of20.39%
20academic programs professional20.39%
21research latest research20.39%
22student success libraries20.39%
23success libraries global20.39%
24libraries global u20.39%
25global u research20.39%
26u research vp20.39%
27research vp of20.39%
28latest research news20.39%
29club shop utah20.39%
30research news arts20.39%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 539 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1the university of utah91.67%
2u of u health50.93%
3of u health education30.56%
4global u research vp20.37%
5catalogs schedulescalendar collegesdepartments majors20.37%
6research latest research news20.37%
7u research vp of20.37%
8libraries global u research20.37%
9success libraries global u20.37%
10student success libraries global20.37%
11school student success libraries20.37%
12graduate school student success20.37%
13of u health search20.37%
14career success academics academic20.37%
15resources catalogs schedulescalendar collegesdepartments20.37%
16research news arts the20.37%
17u career success academics20.37%
18safeu u career success20.37%
19leadershipinvolvement safeu u career20.37%
20student life center student20.37%
21union student life center20.37%
22muss the union student20.37%
23the muss the union20.37%
24housing the muss the20.37%
25calendar student life student20.37%
26latest research news arts20.37%
27arts the arts on20.37%
28news arts the arts20.37%
29arts u of u20.37%
30club shop utah gear20.37%
31crimson club shop utah20.37%
32athletics buy tickets schedule20.37%
33utah athletics buy tickets20.37%
34athletics utah athletics buy20.37%
35care athletics utah athletics20.37%
36patient care athletics utah20.37%
37research patient care athletics20.37%
38community wellness reflections from20.37%
39youth arts u of20.37%
40housing academic calendar student20.37%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html Whoiscdc.gov
2 https://utahutes.com/ Whoisutahutes.com
3 https://utahtickets.com Whoisutahtickets.com
4 https://utahutes.com/calendar Whoisutahutes.com
5 https://utahcrimsonclub.com/ Whoisutahcrimsonclub.com
6 https://www.uredzone.com/home Whoisuredzone.com
7 https://twitter.com/uutah Whoistwitter.com
8 https://www.facebook.com/universityofutah Whoisfacebook.com
9 https://www.instagram.com/universityofutah/ Whoisinstagram.com
10 https://www.youtube.com/user/theuniversityofutah Whoisyoutube.com
11 https://a.cms.omniupdate.com/11/?skin=utah&account=utah_home&site=utah_home2&action=de&path=/index.pcf Whoisomniupdate.com