Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of ucla.edu shows: 6432 total words, 920 1-word, 1699 2-word phrases, 1874 3-word phrases, 1939 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (4 characters)
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (152 characters)
UCLA advances knowledge, addresses pressing societal needs and creates a university enriched by diverse perspectives where all individuals can flourish.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (4 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 920 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 1699 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1ucla ucla271.59%
2ago ucla231.35%
3ucla tiktok140.82%
4of the140.82%
5weeks ago100.59%
6our link90.53%
7link in90.53%
8in bio90.53%
91230 pm80.47%
10ucla instagram80.47%
112 weeks80.47%
12the ucla70.41%
13in the70.41%
14visit our70.41%
15at the70.41%
16for the70.41%
17wilder theater60.35%
18bio to60.35%
19billy wilder60.35%
20you when60.35%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 1874 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1ucla ucla ucla201.07%
2ago ucla ucla180.96%
3ucla ucla tiktok140.75%
4weeks ago ucla100.53%
5our link in90.48%
6link in bio90.48%
72 weeks ago80.43%
8ucla ucla instagram80.43%
9visit our link70.37%
10in bio to60.32%
11billy wilder theater60.32%
12week ago ucla60.32%
13to you when50.27%
14assigned to you50.27%
151 week ago50.27%
16be assigned to50.27%
17will be assigned50.27%
18seat will be50.27%
19free no advance50.27%
20is free no50.27%
213 months ago50.27%
22you pick up50.27%
23your ticket at40.21%
24part of the40.21%
25theater part of40.21%
26wilder theater part40.21%
27pm billy wilder40.21%
281230 pm to40.21%
29ticket at the40.21%
30admission is free40.21%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 1939 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1ago ucla ucla ucla180.93%
2ucla ucla ucla tiktok110.57%
3our link in bio90.46%
42 weeks ago ucla80.41%
5weeks ago ucla ucla80.41%
6visit our link in70.36%
7link in bio to60.31%
8ucla ucla ucla instagram60.31%
9is free no advance50.26%
10assigned to you when50.26%
11be assigned to you50.26%
12will be assigned to50.26%
13seat will be assigned50.26%
141 week ago ucla50.26%
15theater part of the40.21%
16wilder theater part of40.21%
171230 pm to 123040.21%
18billy wilder theater part40.21%
19rhapsody film series admission40.21%
20months ago ucla ucla40.21%
21admission is free no40.21%
22in bio to learn40.21%
23free no advance reservations40.21%
24pm to 1230 pm40.21%
25week ago ucla ucla40.21%
26to you when you40.21%
27you when you pick40.21%
28when you pick up40.21%
29you pick up your40.21%
30pick up your ticket40.21%
31up your ticket at40.21%
32your ticket at the40.21%
33pm billy wilder theater40.21%
34bio to learn more30.15%
353 months ago ucla30.15%
36part of the queer30.15%
37to 1230 pm billy30.15%
38film series admission is30.15%
39ticket at the box30.15%
40your seat will be30.15%


# URL Whois Check
1https://browsehappy.com/ Whoisbrowsehappy.com
2 https://www.uclaextension.edu/student-services/enrollment-services-support Whoisuclaextension.edu
3 https://www.uclaextension.edu/ Whoisuclaextension.edu
4 https://uclabruins.com/news/2024/7/3/matt-kubeck-completes-mens-water-polo-coaching-staff Whoisuclabruins.com
5 https://uclabruins.com/ Whoisuclabruins.com
6 https://www.uclastore.com Whoisuclastore.com
7 https://www.facebook.com/UCLA/ Whoisfacebook.com
8 https://www.instagram.com/ucla/ Whoisinstagram.com
9 https://www.linkedin.com/school/ucla Whoislinkedin.com
10 https://twitter.com/ucla Whoistwitter.com
11 https://www.youtube.com/user/UCLA Whoisyoutube.com
12 https://www.tiktok.com/@ucla?lang=en Whoistiktok.com
13 https://www.threads.net/@ucla Whoisthreads.net
14 http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/ Whoisuniversityofcalifornia.edu
15 https://ucla-gme-advocate.symplicity.com/public_report/index.php/pid031251 Whoissymplicity.com