Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of uchicago.edu shows: 1219 total words, 213 1-word, 324 2-word phrases, 338 3-word phrases, 344 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (25 characters)
The University of Chicago
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (187 characters)
One of the world’s leading research universities, the University of Chicago inspires scholars to pursue field-defining research, while providing a transformative education for students.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (187 characters)
uchicago, university of chicago, university of chicago home website
H1 H1 tag on the page (41 characters)
Go 'Inside the Lab' at UChicago

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 213 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 324 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1learn more61.85%
2more we30.93%
3the lab30.93%
4inside the30.93%
5of chicago30.93%
6as a30.93%
7tomorrow began20.62%
8day tomorrow20.62%
9the worlds20.62%
10free and20.62%
11south side20.62%
12men’s tennis20.62%
13university of20.62%
14tennis team20.62%
15the university20.62%
16freedom faculty10.31%
17international community10.31%
18as health10.31%
19health education10.31%
20education economic10.31%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 338 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1learn more we30.89%
2inside the lab30.89%
3day tomorrow began20.59%
4university of chicago20.59%
5men’s tennis team20.59%
6the worlds most10.30%
7education economic growth10.30%
8impact as a10.30%
9community partner we10.30%
10pressing issues with10.30%
11partner we invest10.30%
12we invest in10.30%
13invest in chicago’s10.30%
14in chicago’s south10.30%
15chicago’s south side10.30%
16south side across10.30%
17side across such10.30%
18most pressing issues10.30%
19areas as health10.30%
20as health education10.30%
21health education economic10.30%
22economic growth and10.30%
23worlds most pressing10.30%
24are an international10.30%
25solve the worlds10.30%
26scholars working to10.30%
27of scholars working10.30%
28community of scholars10.30%
29international community of10.30%
30an international community10.30%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 344 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1you need to enable10.29%
2partner we invest in10.29%
3areas as health education10.29%
4south side across such10.29%
5chicago’s south side across10.29%
6in chicago’s south side10.29%
7invest in chicago’s south10.29%
8we invest in chicago’s10.29%
9community partner we invest10.29%
10health education economic growth10.29%
11community impact as a10.29%
12more community impact as10.29%
13learn more community impact10.29%
14research learn more community10.29%
15original research learn more10.29%
16most original research learn10.29%
17as health education economic10.29%
18education economic growth and10.29%
19pursue the most original10.29%
20an international community of10.29%
21worlds most pressing issues10.29%
22the worlds most pressing10.29%
23solve the worlds most10.29%
24of scholars working to10.29%
25community of scholars working10.29%
26international community of scholars10.29%
27are an international community10.29%
28economic growth and the10.29%
29we are an international10.29%
30impact we are an10.29%
31global impact we are10.29%
32the arts learn more10.29%
33and the arts learn10.29%
34growth and the arts10.29%
35the most original research10.29%
36environment in which to10.29%
37pressing issues with initiatives10.29%
38confront complex challenges learn10.29%
39some of the world’s10.29%
40researchers have contributed to10.29%


# URL Whois Check
1https://portal.office.com/ Whoisoffice.com
2 https://www.facebook.com/uchicago Whoisfacebook.com
3 https://instagram.com/uchicago Whoisinstagram.com
4 https://www.linkedin.com/school/uchicago/ Whoislinkedin.com
5 https://twitter.com/UChicago Whoistwitter.com
6 https://www.youtube.com/user/UChicago Whoisyoutube.com