Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of shows: 7702 total words, 949 1-word, 2031 2-word phrases, 2321 3-word phrases, 2401 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (84 characters)
Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (159 characters)
Find statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22,500 sources on over 60,000 topics on the internet's leading statistics database
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (27 characters)
Empowering people with data

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 949 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 2031 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1of the211.03%
2in the160.79%
3on a120.59%
4social media120.59%
5market insights120.59%
6social media?120.59%
7is a100.49%
8on the90.44%
9us dollars90.44%
10number of90.44%
11read more90.44%
12r the80.39%
13stock exchange?80.39%
14stock exchange80.39%
15consumer insights80.39%
16most popular80.39%
17for the60.30%
18of a60.30%
19the largest60.30%
20insights market60.30%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 2321 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1clicking on the50.22%
2on the following50.22%
3the following button50.22%
4following button will50.22%
5update the content50.22%
6the content below50.22%
7most popular smartphone40.17%
8trillion us dollars40.17%
9the ecommerce market40.17%
10the united states40.17%
11insights market insights30.13%
12insights company insights30.13%
13contactless payment brands30.13%
14payment brands at30.13%
15brands at pos30.13%
16ecommerce insights research30.13%
17popular smartphone brands30.13%
18company insights ecommerce30.13%
19insights ecommerce insights30.13%
20on social media30.13%
21academia and government30.13%
22insights research ai30.13%
23prices in the30.13%
24market insights market30.13%
25market insights consumer30.13%
26solutions academia and30.13%
27one of the30.13%
28of the ecommerce30.13%
29190 countries territories30.13%
30largest stock exchange30.13%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 2401 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1on the following button50.21%
2clicking on the following50.21%
3update the content below50.21%
4the following button will50.21%
5contactless payment brands at30.12%
6payment brands at pos30.12%
7ecommerce insights research ai30.12%
8insights market insights market30.12%
9solutions academia and government30.12%
10business solutions academia and30.12%
11of the ecommerce market30.12%
12most popular smartphone brands30.12%
13pricesaccess business solutions academia30.12%
14company insights ecommerce insights30.12%
15is one of the30.12%
16portal directly accessible data20.08%
17150 countries and over20.08%
18industries from 150 countries20.08%
19from 150 countries and20.08%
20statistics portal directly accessible20.08%
21the statistics portal directly20.08%
22services the statistics portal20.08%
23forecasts explore ecommerce insights20.08%
2470 kpis per store20.08%
25explore ecommerce insights research20.08%
26and over 1 mio facts20.08%
27countries and over 1 mio20.08%
28business plan export statista20.08%
29analyses with our professional20.08%
30quick analyses with our20.08%
31researchanalysis projects statista q20.08%
32customized researchanalysis projects statista20.08%
33q customized researchanalysis projects20.08%
34statista q customized researchanalysis20.08%
35tools business plan export20.08%
36and marketplaces 70 kpis20.08%
37webinarsrecordings tools business plan20.08%
38first steps and help20.08%
39stories first steps and20.08%
40success stories first steps20.08%


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