Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of spiceworks.com shows: 2094 total words, 360 1-word, 550 2-word phrases, 587 3-word phrases, 597 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (69 characters)
Business and Industry News, Analysis and Expert Insights - Spiceworks
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (0 characters)
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (4 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 360 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 550 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1load more40.73%
2artificial intelligence30.55%
3vulnerability management30.55%
4more stories30.55%
5stories load30.55%
6cyber risk30.55%
7social media30.55%
8skip to30.55%
9and texas20.36%
10find out20.36%
11customer accounts20.36%
12risk management20.36%
13report it20.36%
14cybersecurity concept20.36%
15remote code20.36%
16it tools20.36%
17more about20.36%
18out more20.36%
19what is20.36%
20has said20.36%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 587 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1load more stories30.51%
2more stories load30.51%
3stories load more30.51%
4skip to main20.34%
5remote code execution20.34%
6out more about20.34%
7find out more20.34%
8social media laws20.34%
9information from the20.34%
10florida and texas20.34%
11banking information from20.34%
12cyber risk management20.34%
13threat actors to10.17%
14stealing 33tb banking10.17%
15karthik kashyap earlier10.17%
16false karthik kashyap10.17%
17proven false karthik10.17%
18it is investigating10.17%
19claims proven false10.17%
20reserve claims proven10.17%
21federal reserve claims10.17%
22us federal reserve10.17%
23is investigating and10.17%
24investigating and blocking10.17%
25attempts by threat10.17%
2633tb banking information10.17%
27claims stealing 33tb10.17%
28week the notorious10.17%
29lockbit claims stealing10.17%
30management lockbit claims10.17%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 597 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1find out more about20.34%
2more stories load more20.34%
3load more stories load20.34%
4banking information from the20.34%
5skip to main navigation10.17%
6the summer heats up10.17%
7this is when trade10.17%
8off this is when10.17%
9cools off this is10.17%
10conferences cools off this10.17%
11tech conferences cools off10.17%
12corporate tech conferences cools10.17%
13of corporate tech conferences10.17%
14heats up the list10.17%
15summer heats up the10.17%
16simeone as the summer10.17%
17as the summer heats10.17%
18and other … ragnarlocker10.17%
19nancy simeone as the10.17%
202024 nancy simeone as10.17%
21july 2024 nancy simeone10.17%
22in july 2024 nancy10.17%
23conferences in july 202410.17%
24tech general top tech10.17%
25geeks tech general top10.17%
26for geeks tech general10.17%
27camp for geeks tech10.17%
28conferencesummer camp for geeks10.17%
29that conferencesummer camp for10.17%
30… that conferencesummer camp10.17%
31associations and other …10.17%
32ragnarlocker ransomware busted cyber10.17%
33other … ragnarlocker ransomware10.17%
34karthik kashyap earlier this10.17%
35sensitive banking information from10.17%
36of sensitive banking information10.17%
37terabytes of sensitive banking10.17%
38it had stolen 3310.17%
39claimed it had stolen10.17%
40lockbit claimed it had10.17%


# URL Whois Check
1https://swzd.com/?ref_source=spiceworks Whoisswzd.com
2 https://swzd.com/careers/?ref_source=spiceworks Whoisswzd.com
3 https://www.facebook.com/Spiceworks/?ref_source=spiceworks Whoisfacebook.com
4 https://twitter.com/Spiceworks/?ref_source=spiceworks Whoistwitter.com
5 https://www.linkedin.com/company/spiceworks/?ref_source=spiceworks Whoislinkedin.com
6 https://www.youtube.com/@spiceworks/?ref_source=spiceworks Whoisyoutube.com
7 https://www.ziffdavis.com/terms-of-use Whoisziffdavis.com