Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of shows: 1808 total words, 274 1-word, 444 2-word phrases, 524 3-word phrases, 566 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (66 characters)
Movie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (66 characters)
Movie reviews and ratings by Film Critic Roger Ebert | Roger Ebert
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 274 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 444 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1star rating5311.94%
2rating star255.63%
3matt zoller71.58%
4zoller seitz61.35%
5roger ebert40.90%
6seitz star40.90%
7days ago40.90%
8brian tallerico40.90%
9rating the40.90%
10on a40.90%
11glenn kenny40.90%
12rating subscribe40.90%
13view all30.68%
14day ago30.68%
15subscribe icon30.68%
161 day30.68%
17film festival30.68%
18ago tvstreaming30.68%
19the crow30.68%
20supremes at30.68%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 524 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1rating star rating244.58%
2star rating star234.39%
3matt zoller seitz61.15%
4star rating the40.76%
5zoller seitz star40.76%
6star rating subscribe40.76%
7star rating matt30.57%
8at earl’s allyoucaneat30.57%
9rating subscribe icon30.57%
1017 hours ago30.57%
11rating matt zoller30.57%
12supremes at earl’s30.57%
136 days ago30.57%
141 day ago30.57%
15seitz star rating30.57%
16star rating brian20.38%
17brian tallerico star20.38%
18august 21 202420.38%
19you gotta believe20.38%
20the supremes at20.38%
21kenny star rating20.38%
22days ago interviews20.38%
23close your eyes20.38%
24venice film festival20.38%
25rating brian tallerico20.38%
26glenn kenny star20.38%
27latest reviews you10.19%
28reviews you gotta10.19%
29crime movies view10.19%
30movies crime movies10.19%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 566 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1star rating star rating223.89%
2rating star rating the40.71%
3rating star rating subscribe40.71%
4matt zoller seitz star40.71%
5seitz star rating star30.53%
6star rating subscribe icon30.53%
7zoller seitz star rating30.53%
8supremes at earl’s allyoucaneat30.53%
9star rating matt zoller30.53%
10rating star rating matt20.35%
11the supremes at earl’s20.35%
12star rating brian tallerico20.35%
13kenny star rating star20.35%
14glenn kenny star rating20.35%
15rating matt zoller seitz20.35%
16memoriam alain delon august10.18%
17in memoriam alain delon10.18%
18latest reviews you gotta10.18%
19all latest reviews you10.18%
20view all latest reviews10.18%
21tributes in memoriam alain10.18%
22crime movies view all10.18%
23movies view all latest10.18%
2420 2024 view all10.18%
25movies crime movies view10.18%
26comedy movies crime movies10.18%
27action movies adventure movies10.18%
28collections action movies adventure10.18%
29review collections action movies10.18%
30all review collections action10.18%
31view all review collections10.18%
322024 view all review10.18%
33reviews you gotta believe10.18%
34roger ebert logo search10.18%
35nell minow star rating10.18%
36allyoucaneat robert daniels star10.18%
37isaac feldberg star rating10.18%
38temples isaac feldberg star10.18%
39star rating between the10.18%
40rating star rating between10.18%


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