Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of pbs.org shows: 3403 total words, 477 1-word, 877 2-word phrases, 998 3-word phrases, 1051 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (32 characters)
PBS: Public Broadcasting Service
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (201 characters)
Watch full episodes of your favorite PBS shows, explore music and the arts, find in-depth news analysis, and more. Home to Antiques Roadshow, Frontline, NOVA, PBS Newshour, Masterpiece and many others.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (8 characters)
PBS Home

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 477 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 877 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1pbs newshour303.42%
2full episode111.25%
32024pbs newshour111.25%
4newshour full101.14%
5newshour may91.03%
6sign in80.91%
7my list70.80%
8pbs on70.80%
9episode pbs60.68%
10pbs kids60.68%
11shop pbs50.57%
12from pbs50.57%
13pbs presents50.57%
14of the50.57%
15and whats40.46%
16in with40.46%
17may 3140.46%
18add this40.46%
19to add40.46%
20for a40.46%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 998 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
12024pbs newshour full90.90%
2newshour full episode90.90%
3pbs newshour may60.60%
4full episode pbs60.60%
5to add this40.40%
6capehart on trumps40.40%
7may 30 2024pbs40.40%
8sign in with40.40%
9verdict and whats40.40%
10thumbnail pbs newshour40.40%
11in to pbs30.30%
12sign in to30.30%
13newshour may 3130.30%
14the services below30.30%
1529 2024pbs newshour30.30%
16bates vs the30.30%
17may 29 2024pbs30.30%
18to sign in30.30%
19newshour may 2930.30%
2031 2024pbs newshour30.30%
21vs the post30.30%
22mr bates vs30.30%
23from pbs pbs30.30%
24episode pbs newshour30.30%
25pompeii the new30.30%
2630 2024pbs newshour30.30%
27newshour may 3030.30%
28and whats next30.30%
29trumps verdict and30.30%
30on trumps verdict30.30%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 1051 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
12024pbs newshour full episode80.76%
2newshour full episode pbs60.57%
3may 29 2024pbs newshour30.29%
4mr bates vs the30.29%
5to sign in to30.29%
6sign in to pbs30.29%
7thumbnail pbs newshour may30.29%
8verdict and whats next30.29%
9newshour may 30 2024pbs30.29%
10may 30 2024pbs newshour30.29%
11pompeii the new dig30.29%
12trumps verdict and whats30.29%
13on trumps verdict and30.29%
14capehart on trumps verdict30.29%
15bates vs the post30.29%
16pbs newshour brooks and30.29%
17full episode pbs newshour30.29%
18newshour may 31 2024pbs30.29%
19may 31 2024pbs newshour30.29%
20episode pbs newshour may30.29%
21magpie murders moonflower murders30.29%
22video thumbnail pbs newshour30.29%
2330 2024pbs newshour full30.29%
24wins webby media company20.19%
25culture drama food history20.19%
26music culture drama food20.19%
27of the services below20.19%
28this one remove first20.19%
29add this one remove20.19%
30to add this one20.19%
31full episode 0531202457m 46s20.19%
32the list to add20.19%
33pbs newshour may 2920.19%
34pbs newshour may 3120.19%
35youve just tried to20.19%
36just tried to add20.19%
3731 2024pbs newshour full20.19%
38tried to add this20.19%
39list to add this20.19%
40pbs newshour may 3020.19%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.shop.pbskids.org/?utm_source=PBS&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=pbs_home_megamenu_shopbutton_shophomepage Whoispbskids.org
2 https://pbskids.org/ Whoispbskids.org
3 https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/ Whoispbslearningmedia.org
4 https://www.facebook.com/pbs Whoisfacebook.com
5 https://twitter.com/PBS Whoistwitter.com
6 https://www.instagram.com/pbs/ Whoisinstagram.com
7 https://www.shop.pbskids.org/ Whoispbskids.org