Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com shows: 1817 total words, 261 1-word, 487 2-word phrases, 528 3-word phrases, 541 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (131 characters)
Oxford Learner's Dictionaries | Find definitions, translations, and grammar explanations at Oxford Learner's Dictionaries
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (306 characters)
The largest and most trusted free online dictionary for learners of British and American English with definitions, pictures, example sentences, synonyms, antonyms, word origins, audio pronunciation, and more. Look up the meanings of words, abbreviations, phrases, and idioms in our free English Dictionary.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (306 characters)
advanced, learner, dictionary, free, english, british english, american english, free online dictionary, online dictionary, define, definition, picture, pictures, meaning, pronounce, audio, audio pronunciation, synonym, synonyms, grammar, Oxford, ELT, OALD, OAAD, phrases, phrase, idiom, phrasal verb
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 261 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 487 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1word lists91.85%
2oxford learners61.23%
3american english40.82%
4practical english40.82%
5english us40.82%
6english american40.82%
7oxford university40.82%
8university press40.82%
9with the30.62%
10english usage30.62%
11the word30.62%
12learnpractise grammar30.62%
13english academic30.62%
14help you20.41%
15to help20.41%
16with us20.41%
17connect with20.41%
18academic english20.41%
19oxford 3000?20.41%
20see the20.41%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 528 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1oxford university press40.76%
2english american english40.76%
3practical english usage30.57%
4american english academic30.57%
5word lists word20.38%
6learnpractise grammar beta20.38%
7grammar beta word20.38%
8beta word lists20.38%
9lists word lists20.38%
10resources home text20.38%
11lists home my20.38%
12home my word20.38%
13home text checker20.38%
14topics recent additions20.38%
15recent additions resources20.38%
16additions resources resources20.38%
17word lists home20.38%
18home practical english20.38%
19grammar home practical20.38%
20home english american20.38%
21redeem upgrade help20.38%
22oxford learners dictionaries20.38%
23connect with us20.38%
24grammar grammar home20.38%
25dictionaries home english20.38%
26the word lists20.38%
27new words and20.38%
28germanenglish grammar grammar20.38%
29resources resources home20.38%
30join our community10.19%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 541 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1english american english academic30.55%
2additions resources resources home20.37%
3word lists home my20.37%
4word lists word lists20.37%
5beta word lists word20.37%
6grammar beta word lists20.37%
7learnpractise grammar beta word20.37%
8lists home my word20.37%
9grammar home practical english20.37%
10grammar grammar home practical20.37%
11germanenglish grammar grammar home20.37%
12topics recent additions resources20.37%
13recent additions resources resources20.37%
14home english american english20.37%
15dictionaries home english american20.37%
16resources resources home text20.37%
17resources home text checker20.37%
18lists word lists home20.37%
19collocations dictionary das oxford10.18%
20by michael swan oxford10.18%
21usage by michael swan10.18%
22english usage by michael10.18%
23practical english usage by10.18%
24dictionary das oxford schulwörterbuch10.18%
25das oxford schulwörterbuch join10.18%
26oxford schulwörterbuch join our10.18%
27schulwörterbuch join our community10.18%
28english practical english usage10.18%
29language learners connect with10.18%
30academic english practical english10.18%
31of academic english practical10.18%
32premium oxford learners dictionary10.18%
33dictionary premium oxford learners10.18%
34learners dictionary premium oxford10.18%
35advanced learners dictionary premium10.18%
36oxford advanced learners dictionary10.18%
37you improve your english10.18%
38help you improve your10.18%
39to help you improve10.18%
40website to help you10.18%


# URL Whois Check
1https://account.oup.com/redeem Whoisoup.com
2 https://learningenglishwithoxford.com/2023/03/23/culture-war/ Whoislearningenglishwithoxford.com
3 https://linktr.ee/lewo Whoislinktr.ee
4 https://oxfordenglishlearningexchange.com/?list=201&sec=99&utype=1&panel_id=210&decid=8ef6d20b1129 Whoisoxfordenglishlearningexchange.com
5 https://elt.oup.com/feature/global/expert/oxford-3000?=OLD&=site&=tl-oxford-3000 Whoisoup.com
6 https://oxelt.gl/30yjpf1 Whoisoxelt.gl
7 http://bit.ly/2TZifJB Whoisbit.ly
8 https://oxelt.gl/37EtQlh Whoisoxelt.gl
9 https://languages.oup.com/dictionaries/english-language-learners/oxford-learners-dictionaries-api/ Whoisoup.com
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11 https://elt.oup.com/teachersclub Whoisoup.com
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