Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of ox.ac.uk shows: 3706 total words, 552 1-word, 980 2-word phrases, 1076 3-word phrases, 1098 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (20 characters)
University of Oxford
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (129 characters)
Oxford University provides world-class research and education to benefit society on a local, regional, national and global scale.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (129 characters)
University of Oxford, university oxford, uni oxford, oxford, oxford university, oxford uni, world class university, top ranking university, excellent university, world leading university
H1 H1 tag on the page (20 characters)
University of Oxford

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 552 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 980 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1department of282.86%
2faculty of101.02%
3college s90.92%
4school of70.71%
5college st70.71%
6nuffield department60.61%
7in the60.61%
8oxford in40.41%
9at oxford?30.31%
10the oxford30.31%
11sciences division30.31%
12support for30.31%
13may 202430.31%
14college m30.31%
15continuing education30.31%
16oxford a30.31%
17at oxford30.31%
18and the30.31%
19in a30.31%
20college w30.31%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 1076 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1nuffield department of60.56%
2centenary celebration of20.19%
3of art faculty20.19%
431 may 202420.19%
5sciences department of20.19%
6staff and students20.19%
7health nuffield department20.19%
8and support for20.19%
9advice and support20.19%
10information advice and20.19%
11university of oxford20.19%
12professor joshua cohen20.19%
13celebration of kafka20.19%
14oxford india forum20.19%
15jun book now20.19%
16art faculty of20.19%
17monuments memory and10.09%
18memory and the10.09%
19confederate monuments memory10.09%
20and the american10.09%
21and fall of10.09%
22rise and fall10.09%
23the american civil10.09%
243 jun 202410.09%
25american civil war10.09%
26civil war rothermere10.09%
27american institute 310.09%
28institute 3 jun10.09%
2903jun the rise10.09%
30jun 2024 discover10.09%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 1098 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1centenary celebration of kafka20.18%
2of art faculty of20.18%
3advice and support for20.18%
4information advice and support20.18%
5health nuffield department of20.18%
6skip to main content10.09%
7nobel laureate mo yan10.09%
8to antibiotic resistance events10.09%
9antibiotic resistance events all10.09%
10resistance events all events10.09%
1131may in conversation with10.09%
12in conversation with nobel10.09%
13conversation with nobel laureate10.09%
14with nobel laureate mo10.09%
15mo yan from novelist10.09%
16laureate mo yan from10.09%
17transformative solutions to antibiotic10.09%
18yan from novelist to10.09%
19playwright sheldonian theatre 3110.09%
20sheldonian theatre 31 may10.09%
21theatre 31 may 202410.09%
2231 may 2024 03jun10.09%
23may 2024 03jun the10.09%
242024 03jun the rise10.09%
2503jun the rise and10.09%
26the rise and fall10.09%
27rise and fall of10.09%
28confederate monuments memory and10.09%
29solutions to antibiotic resistance10.09%
3030 may 2024 petri10.09%
31may 2024 petri dish10.09%
32simulated cloud patterns first10.09%
33music and creative activities10.09%
34creative activities combine for10.09%
35celebration of kafka 3110.09%
36of kafka 31 may10.09%
37kafka 31 may 202410.09%
3831 may 2024 a10.09%
39may 2024 a satellite10.09%
40imagestyle world map with10.09%


# URL Whois Check
1https://bit.ly/so_UOadmissions Whoisbit.ly
2 https://bit.ly/so_UOPPGInfo Whoisbit.ly
3 https://bit.ly/so_3aSpzN6 Whoisbit.ly
4 https://bit.ly/so_36GAqpY Whoisbit.ly
5 http://www.youtube.com/oxford Whoisyoutube.com
6 https://x.com/uniofoxford Whoisx.com
7 https://www.facebook.com/the.university.of.oxford Whoisfacebook.com
8 https://www.tiktok.com/@uni.of.oxford Whoistiktok.com
9 https://www.linkedin.com/company/4477?trk=prof-exp-company-name Whoislinkedin.com
10 https://weibo.com/OxfordUni Whoisweibo.com
11 https://www.instagram.com/oxford_uni Whoisinstagram.com
12 https://medium.com/oxford-university Whoismedium.com
13 http://theconversation.com/institutions/university-of-oxford-1260 Whoistheconversation.com
14 https://www.conference-oxford.com Whoisconference-oxford.com
15 https://uni-of-oxford.custhelp.com/app/home Whoiscusthelp.com
16 https://outlook.office.com/owa/ Whoisoffice.com
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