Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of shows: 1589 total words, 256 1-word, 410 2-word phrases, 449 3-word phrases, 474 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (46 characters)
Oracle | Cloud Applications and Cloud Platform
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (107 characters)
Oracle offers a comprehensive and fully integrated stack of cloud applications and cloud platform services.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (107 characters)
enterprise, applications, software, database, middleware, fusions, business, hardware, Oracle
H1 H1 tag on the page (46 characters)
Oracle | Cloud Applications and Cloud Platform

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 256 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 410 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1oracle cloud122.93%
2read the112.68%
3the story102.44%
4with oracle61.46%
5national university51.22%
6australian national51.22%
7mgm resorts40.98%
8cloud erp40.98%
9amc theatres40.98%
10oracle database40.98%
11cloud to30.73%
12database 23ai30.73%
13grant thornton30.73%
14story explore30.73%
15the australian30.73%
16uses oracle30.73%
17international mgm20.49%
18resorts international20.49%
19explore ai20.49%
20university the20.49%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 449 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1read the story102.23%
2with oracle cloud51.11%
3australian national university51.11%
4oracle database 23ai30.67%
5the story explore30.67%
6the australian national30.67%
7oracle cloud to20.45%
8international mgm resorts20.45%
9oracle cloud erp20.45%
10the story royal20.45%
11story royal vopak20.45%
12oracle cloud read20.45%
13on oracle cloud20.45%
14story explore ai20.45%
15national university the20.45%
16resorts international mgm20.45%
17cloud erp read20.45%
18register today caltech10.22%
19so much more10.22%
20demos and so10.22%
21and so much10.22%
22integrated space and10.22%
23premier integrated space10.22%
24a premier integrated10.22%
25integration a premier10.22%
26see farther with10.22%
27farther with ai10.22%
28and terrestrial network10.22%
2950 with oracle10.22%
30by 50 with10.22%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 474 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1read the story explore30.63%
2the australian national university30.63%
3the story explore ai20.42%
4australian national university the20.42%
5with oracle cloud read20.42%
6read the story royal20.42%
7the story royal vopak20.42%
8click to view our10.21%
9processes the telecom giant10.21%
10erp and epm improving10.21%
11cloud erp and epm10.21%
12giant migrates to oracle10.21%
13telecom giant migrates to10.21%
14the telecom giant migrates10.21%
15and planning processes the10.21%
16planning processes the telecom10.21%
17epm improving access to10.21%
18finance and planning processes10.21%
19oracle cloud to revamp10.21%
20uses oracle cloud to10.21%
21att uses oracle cloud10.21%
22story att uses oracle10.21%
23the story att uses10.21%
24read the story att10.21%
25intelsat read the story10.21%
26story intelsat read the10.21%
27and epm improving access10.21%
28to data and insights10.21%
29improving access to data10.21%
30with oracle cloud erp10.21%
31global it landscape establishes10.21%
32its global it landscape10.21%
33tank storage services simplifies10.21%
34of tank storage services10.21%
35provider of tank storage10.21%
36the provider of tank10.21%
37erp the provider of10.21%
38cloud erp the provider10.21%
39oracle cloud erp the10.21%
40new target operating model10.21%


# URL Whois Check