Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of nsw.gov.au shows: 2667 total words, 380 1-word, 689 2-word phrases, 779 3-word phrases, 819 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (14 characters)
NSW Government
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (0 characters)
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (14 characters)
NSW Government

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 380 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 689 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1nsw government142.03%
2in nsw60.87%
3media release50.73%
4may 202450.73%
5east image50.73%
6ministerial media50.73%
7government logo50.73%
828 may50.73%
9logo close40.58%
10close menu40.58%
11close close40.58%
12living in40.58%
13and business40.58%
14working and40.58%
15of nsw40.58%
16regional nsw40.58%
17your say30.44%
18make the30.44%
19and water30.44%
20keyboardarrowright nsw30.44%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 779 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1nsw government logo50.64%
228 may 202450.64%
3living in nsw40.51%
4working and business40.51%
5ministerial media release40.51%
6government logo close40.51%
7to previous menu30.39%
8logo close close30.39%
9close close menu30.39%
10grants and funding30.39%
11keyboardarrowright nsw government30.39%
12nsw school holidays20.26%
13community services driving20.26%
14premier chris minns20.26%
15popular right now20.26%
16nsw public holidays20.26%
17aboriginal information and20.26%
18information and services20.26%
19the nsw government20.26%
20know the signs20.26%
21and transport education20.26%
22services driving boating20.26%
23land and water20.26%
24and funding health20.26%
25relationships grants and20.26%
26and relationships grants20.26%
27family and relationships20.26%
28nsw arts and20.26%
29arts and culture20.26%
30construction legal and20.26%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 819 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1nsw government logo close40.49%
2logo close close menu30.37%
3keyboardarrowright nsw government logo30.37%
4government logo close close30.37%
5nsw arts and culture20.24%
6a headshot of nsw20.24%
7family and relationships grants20.24%
8and relationships grants and20.24%
9relationships grants and funding20.24%
10aboriginal information and services20.24%
11construction legal and justice20.24%
12and training emergency employment20.24%
13about nsw arts and20.24%
14grants and funding health20.24%
15site for search search20.24%
16search site for search20.24%
17yourself and your family20.24%
18cost of living hub20.24%
19community services driving boating20.24%
20nsw   storm clouds10.12%
21ready nsw   storm10.12%
22get ready nsw  10.12%
23and floods understand your10.12%
24make your emergency plan10.12%
25floods understand your risk10.12%
26your emergency plan pack10.12%
27  get ready nsw10.12%
28emergency plan pack your10.12%
29plan pack your emergency10.12%
30apps   get ready10.12%
31emergency kit download emergency10.12%
32your emergency kit download10.12%
33pack your emergency kit10.12%
34skip to navigation skip10.12%
35fires and floods understand10.12%
36for natural disasters take10.12%
37with our free digital10.12%
38map and create your10.12%
39and create your own10.12%
40create your own walk10.12%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/australian-health-services/all-services/influenza-flu-vaccine/1633181000168107?nswfluvaccine= Whoisgov.au
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