Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of leverageedu.com shows: 832 total words, 136 1-word, 213 2-word phrases, 236 3-word phrases, 247 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (35 characters)
Leverage Edu - Study Abroad Experts
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (182 characters)
Leverage Edu is a top study abroad platform & we help students with course shortlisting, applications, visas, education loans & more. Get your study abroad counselling today!
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (22 characters)
A plan for every dream

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 136 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 213 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1study abroad104.69%
2live in94.23%
3edu app62.82%
4leverage edu62.82%
5the leverage52.35%
6to download52.35%
7code to52.35%
8scan qr52.35%
9your study52.35%
10ielts app41.88%
11leverage ielts41.88%
12qr code41.88%
13download the41.88%
14download on31.41%
15store get31.41%
16our students31.41%
17theapp store31.41%
18on theapp31.41%
19play scan31.41%
20all your31.41%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 236 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1leverage edu app62.54%
2code to download52.12%
3leverage ielts app41.69%
4download the leverage41.69%
5to download the41.69%
6qr code to41.69%
7scan qr code41.69%
8your study abroad31.27%
9one app for31.27%
10app for all31.27%
11for all your31.27%
12all your study31.27%
13play scan qr31.27%
14download on theapp31.27%
15on theapp store31.27%
16theapp store get31.27%
17with leverage edu31.27%
18ongoogle play scan31.27%
19the leverage edu31.27%
20it ongoogle play31.27%
21abroad with leverage31.27%
22ireland usa germany20.85%
23get it ongoogle20.85%
24uk live in20.85%
25edu app test20.85%
26english prep wings20.85%
27offices of company20.85%
28live in australia20.85%
29global offices of20.85%
30abroad english prep20.85%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 247 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1scan qr code to41.62%
2qr code to download41.62%
3code to download the41.62%
4to download the leverage41.62%
5with leverage edu app31.21%
6it ongoogle play scan31.21%
7abroad with leverage edu31.21%
8on theapp store get31.21%
9download on theapp store31.21%
10ongoogle play scan qr31.21%
11the leverage edu app31.21%
12for all your study31.21%
13app for all your31.21%
14one app for all31.21%
15leverage edu app test20.81%
16talk to an expert20.81%
17leverage ielts app a20.81%
18download the leverage edu20.81%
19store get it ongoogle20.81%
20play scan qr code20.81%
21get it ongoogle play20.81%
22needs download on theapp20.81%
23abroad needs download on20.81%
24your study abroad needs20.81%
25all your study abroad20.81%
26app one app for20.81%
27edu app one app20.81%
28leverage edu app one20.81%
29ielts app a comprehensive20.81%
30ireland community study abroad20.81%
31the leverage ielts app20.81%
32study abroad english prep20.81%
33live in usa live20.81%
34canada live in usa20.81%
35in canada live in20.81%
36live in canada live20.81%
37australia live in canada20.81%
38in australia live in20.81%
39live in australia live20.81%
40uk live in australia20.81%


# URL Whois Check
1https://fly.finance/forex Whoisfly.finance
2 https://fly.finance/loans Whoisfly.finance
3 https://fly.homes/ Whoisfly.homes
4 https://fly.homes/united-kingdom/ Whoisfly.homes
5 https://fly.homes/australia/ Whoisfly.homes
6 https://fly.homes/canada/ Whoisfly.homes
7 https://fly.homes/usa/ Whoisfly.homes
8 https://fly.homes/ireland/ Whoisfly.homes
9 https://apps.apple.com/in/app/leverage-ielts/id1635347573 Whoisapple.com
10 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leverageielts&hl=en_IN&gl=US Whoisgoogle.com