Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of kohls.com shows: 3077 total words, 429 1-word, 812 2-word phrases, 903 3-word phrases, 933 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (74 characters)
Kohl's | Shop Clothing, Shoes, Home, Kitchen, Bedding, Toys & More
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (164 characters)
Enjoy free shipping and easy returns every day at Kohl's! Find great savings on clothing, shoes, toys, home décor, appliances and electronics for the whole family.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 429 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 812 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1or a70.86%
2order status50.62%
3select styles50.62%
4learn more50.62%
5kohl’s card50.62%
6for a50.62%
7is a50.62%
8save with40.49%
9kohl’s cash40.49%
10with coupon40.49%
11sale price40.49%
12an extra40.49%
13have been40.49%
14orig price40.49%
15a kohl’s40.49%
16women men40.49%
175 rewards40.49%
18take an40.49%
19prices and30.37%
20not a30.37%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 903 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1take an extra40.44%
2save with coupon40.44%
3women men girls30.33%
4a kohl’s card30.33%
5999 save with30.33%
6earn 5 rewards30.33%
7men girls boys30.33%
8and kohl’s brand20.22%
9reg or orig20.22%
10the reg or20.22%
11members take an20.22%
12orig prices and20.22%
13see if you20.22%
14a limited time20.22%
15if you prequalify20.22%
16much is up20.22%
17today to save20.22%
182024 kohl’s inc20.22%
19members earn 520.22%
20rewards every day20.22%
215 rewards every20.22%
22the purchase transaction20.22%
23home women men20.22%
242999 save with20.22%
25have been taken20.22%
26us order status20.22%
27day learn more20.22%
28free learn more20.22%
29to you details20.22%
30up to you20.22%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 933 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1women men girls boys30.32%
2999 save with coupon30.32%
3to the purchase transaction20.21%
4kohl’s brand names are20.21%
5up to you details20.21%
6is up to you20.21%
7much is up to20.21%
8see if you prequalify20.21%
9sonoma goods for life®20.21%
10coupon sonoma goods for20.21%
11with coupon sonoma goods20.21%
12save with coupon sonoma20.21%
13— but just how20.21%
14is approximate and may20.21%
15members take an extra20.21%
16and kohl’s brand names20.21%
17take an extra 3020.21%
18applied to the purchase20.21%
19are applied to the20.21%
202999 save with coupon20.21%
21and may vary if20.21%
225 rewards every day20.21%
23may not have been20.21%
24earn 5 rewards every20.21%
25members earn 5 rewards20.21%
26approximate and may vary20.21%
27orig prices and intermediate10.11%
28prices and intermediate markdowns10.11%
29sales may not have10.11%
30markdowns may have been10.11%
31at the reg or10.11%
32may have been taken10.11%
33have been taken orig10.11%
34and intermediate markdowns may10.11%
35made at the reg10.11%
36been made at the10.11%
37have been made at10.11%
38not have been made10.11%
39intermediate markdowns may have10.11%
40free shipping with 4910.11%


# URL Whois Check
1https://Kohls.com/feature/kohls-cash.jsp WhoisKohls.com
2 https://Kohls.com/feature/kohls-coupon-eligible.jsp WhoisKohls.com
3 https://www.facebook.com/kohls?icid=ft-connect-facebook Whoisfacebook.com
4 https://www.tiktok.com/@kohls?icid=ft-connect-tiktok Whoistiktok.com
5 https://www.pinterest.com/kohls/?icid=ft-connect-pinterest Whoispinterest.com
6 https://www.instagram.com/kohls?icid=ft-connect-instagram Whoisinstagram.com
7 https://www.youtube.com/kohls?icid=ft-connect-youtube Whoisyoutube.com
8 https://mykohlscard.com?icid=ft-my-kohlscard-manage-k-card Whoismykohlscard.com
9 https://kohls.capitalone.com?icid=ft-my-kohlscard-manage-k-card-visa Whoiscapitalone.com
10 https://privacyportal.onetrust.com/webform/51e65027-4efe-4679-a603-291664060073/b641e640-6f23-4a35-beeb-c78fee2f30af Whoisonetrust.com