Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of shows: 3790 total words, 546 1-word, 991 2-word phrases, 1099 3-word phrases, 1154 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (12 characters)
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (182 characters)
Investopedia is the world's leading source of financial content on the web, ranging from market news to retirement strategies, investing education to insights from advisors.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 546 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 991 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1s t181.82%
2e f131.31%
3view all121.21%
4n o101.01%
5may 30101.01%
630 202490.91%
7r s70.71%
8rates best60.61%
9dell technologies60.61%
10at a60.61%
11of a50.50%
12logo on50.50%
13technologies logo50.50%
14the dell50.50%
15display at50.50%
16market account50.50%
17mortgage rates50.50%
18on a50.50%
19cd rate50.50%
20rate compare40.40%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 1099 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1may 30 202490.82%
2technologies logo on50.45%
3dell technologies logo50.45%
4the dell technologies50.45%
5rate compare rates40.36%
6display at a40.36%
7best life insurance30.27%
8money market account30.27%
9key takeaways from30.27%
1030 2024 a30.27%
11on display at30.27%
12logo on display30.27%
13for sale signs30.27%
14homes for sale30.27%
15of homes for30.27%
16cluster of homes30.27%
174 key takeaways30.27%
18new york city20.18%
19woman thinking about20.18%
20auto loan rates20.18%
21best credit repair20.18%
22credit repair companies20.18%
23repair companies best20.18%
24illustration of a20.18%
25credit cards view20.18%
26cards view all20.18%
27of a woman20.18%
28a woman thinking20.18%
29search search please20.18%
30accounts best auto20.18%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 1154 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1dell technologies logo on50.43%
2the dell technologies logo50.43%
3technologies logo on display30.26%
4may 30 2024 a30.26%
54 key takeaways from30.26%
6homes for sale signs30.26%
7of homes for sale30.26%
8cluster of homes for30.26%
9logo on display at30.26%
10savings rates best cd20.17%
11the fed put them20.17%
12economy government crypto etfs20.17%
13rates economy government crypto20.17%
14sales are stuck in20.17%
15are stuck in neutral—will20.17%
16stuck in neutral—will the20.17%
17in neutral—will the fed20.17%
18neutral—will the fed put20.17%
19fed put them into20.17%
20a cluster of homes20.17%
21mortgage rates economy government20.17%
22put them into gear?20.17%
23sign outside of the20.17%
24salesforce sign outside of20.17%
25a salesforce sign outside20.17%
26rates mortgage rates economy20.17%
27economics view all news20.17%
28reviews best online brokers20.17%
29intuit turbotax display in20.17%
30rates best cd rates20.17%
31accounts best auto loan20.17%
32best life insurance best20.17%
33life insurance best personal20.17%
34insurance best personal loans20.17%
35a couple signing a20.17%
36best mortgage rates best20.17%
37mortgage rates best money20.17%
38market accounts best auto20.17%
39best auto loan rates20.17%
40salesforces new york city20.17%


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