Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of ed.gov shows: 3041 total words, 420 1-word, 794 2-word phrases, 893 3-word phrases, 934 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (35 characters)
Home | U.S. Department of Education
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (0 characters)
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (4 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 420 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 794 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1of ed81.01%
2the bar70.88%
3department of70.88%
4on a70.88%
5of education70.88%
6raise the60.76%
7higher ed60.76%
8to grade60.76%
9grade 1260.76%
1012 education50.63%
11higher education50.63%
12learn more40.50%
13file a40.50%
14a complaint40.50%
15civil rights40.50%
16student privacy40.50%
17press release40.50%
18to a30.38%
19ed is30.38%
20out the30.38%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 893 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1department of education60.67%
2to grade 1260.67%
3raise the bar60.67%
4grade 12 education50.56%
5preschool to grade30.34%
6learn more about30.34%
7us department of30.34%
8filing a complaint20.22%
9file a complaint20.22%
10get your 1098e20.22%
11of education is20.22%
12protecting student privacy20.22%
131098e tax form20.22%
14i part a20.22%
15out the fafsa20.22%
16fill out the20.22%
17home us department20.22%
18news press release20.22%
19about filing a20.22%
20birth to grade20.22%
21your 1098e tax20.22%
22press release grants20.22%
23the department of20.22%
24website of the20.22%
25how ed is20.22%
26an official website20.22%
27the bar career20.22%
28ed is working20.22%
29the united states20.22%
30learn how ed20.22%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 934 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1to grade 12 education50.54%
2preschool to grade 1230.32%
3raise the bar career20.21%
4home us department of20.21%
5department of education is20.21%
6fill out the fafsa20.21%
7your 1098e tax form20.21%
8heres how you know20.21%
9get your 1098e tax20.21%
10the department of education20.21%
11birth to grade 1220.21%
12about filing a complaint20.21%
13official website of the20.21%
14an official website of20.21%
15how ed is working20.21%
16learn how ed is20.21%
17us department of education20.21%
18latest news press release10.11%
19news latest news press10.11%
20skip to main content10.11%
21news press release grants10.11%
22press release grants to10.11%
23reviewed september 18 202410.11%
24page last reviewed september10.11%
25expand opportunities for hispanic10.11%
26opportunities for hispanic students10.11%
27for hispanic students september10.11%
28hispanic students september 1910.11%
29students september 19 202410.11%
30september 19 2024 speech10.11%
31last reviewed september 1810.11%
32to main content an10.11%
33education news latest news10.11%
34and excellence in education10.11%
35cardonas focus on raising10.11%
36focus on raising the10.11%
37return to top pay10.11%
382024 return to top10.11%
39bar for equity and10.11%
40for equity and excellence10.11%


# URL Whois Check
1https://studentaid.gov/h/understand-aid/how-aid-works Whoisstudentaid.gov
2 https://www.collegesavings.org/ Whoiscollegesavings.org
3 https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation Whoisstudentaid.gov
4 https://studyabroad.state.gov/us-government-scholarships-and-programs/programs-us-teachers Whoisstate.gov
5 https://www.facebook.com/ED.gov Whoisfacebook.com
6 https://www.facebook.com/USEducacion Whoisfacebook.com
7 https://www.instagram.com/usedgov Whoisinstagram.com
8 https://www.linkedin.com/company/usedgov Whoislinkedin.com
9 https://twitter.com/usedgov Whoistwitter.com
10 https://www.flickr.com/photos/departmentofed Whoisflickr.com
11 https://www.opm.gov/equal-employment-opportunity/no-fear-act/ Whoisopm.gov
12 https://usa.gov Whoisusa.gov