Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of ebay.fr shows: 2873 total words, 475 1-word, 743 2-word phrases, 815 3-word phrases, 840 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (56 characters)
eBay : high-tech, maison, jardin, auto-moto et bien plus
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (252 characters)
Achetez et vendez des produits en high-tech, maison, jardin, auto-moto, mode ou collection. Profitez d'une variété de produits neufs, d'occasion ou reconditionnés, en livraison rapide et gratuite. Paiements sécurisés. Retours simplifiés
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 475 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 743 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1psa 10304.04%
2film red243.23%
3premium card243.23%
4piece psa222.96%
5card collection222.96%
6collection film202.69%
7🚦one piece202.69%
8jpn🚦 🚦one162.15%
9top catÉgories70.94%
10red op0102160.81%
11heroes s6a60.81%
1210 monkey60.81%
13brook premium60.81%
14pokemondisplay eevee60.81%
15eevee heroes60.81%
16box sealed60.81%
17s6a booster60.81%
1810 brook60.81%
19eur 🚦one60.81%
20japonaise scellÉ60.81%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 815 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1premium card collection222.70%
2piece psa 10222.70%
3collection film red202.45%
4card collection film182.21%
5🚦one piece psa182.21%
6jpn🚦 🚦one piece141.72%
7red op01021 jpn🚦60.74%
8carte pokemondracaufeu brillant60.74%
9pokemondracaufeu brillant 107105psa60.74%
10brillant 107105psa 1neo60.74%
11film red op0102160.74%
12psa 10 monkey60.74%
1310 monkey dluffy60.74%
14dluffy premium card60.74%
15film red p02260.74%
16pokemondisplay eevee heroes60.74%
17eevee heroes s6a60.74%
18monkey dluffy premium60.74%
19psa 10 brook60.74%
2010 brook premium60.74%
21brook premium card60.74%
22v evolution celeste60.74%
23farayquaza v evolution60.74%
24du 25e anniversaire60.74%
25film red op0101760.74%
26heroes s6a booster60.74%
27evolution celeste 19420350.61%
28swsh farayquaza v50.61%
29🇫🇷 swsh farayquaza50.61%
3010 🇫🇷 swsh50.61%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 840 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1premium card collection film182.14%
2🚦one piece psa 10182.14%
3card collection film red182.14%
4jpn🚦 🚦one piece psa121.43%
5brook premium card collection60.71%
610 brook premium card60.71%
7psa 10 brook premium60.71%
8piece psa 10 brook60.71%
9psa 10 monkey dluffy60.71%
10eevee heroes s6a booster60.71%
11pokemondisplay eevee heroes s6a60.71%
12monkey dluffy premium card60.71%
13carte pokemondracaufeu brillant 107105psa60.71%
14piece psa 10 monkey60.71%
15film red op01021 jpn🚦60.71%
16collection film red op0102160.71%
1710 monkey dluffy premium60.71%
18farayquaza v evolution celeste60.71%
19pokemondracaufeu brillant 107105psa 1neo60.71%
20collection film red op0101760.71%
21swsh farayquaza v evolution50.60%
22v evolution celeste 19420350.60%
23🇫🇷 swsh farayquaza v50.60%
24psa 10 🇫🇷 swsh50.60%
25franky premium card collection40.48%
26dluffy premium card collection40.48%
2725e anniversaire yugioh displayboite40.48%
28du 25e anniversaire yugioh40.48%
29op01021 jpn🚦 🚦one piece40.48%
30boosterscollection rareté du 25e40.48%
31red op01021 jpn🚦 🚦one40.48%
32eur 🚦one piece psa40.48%
33rareté du 25e anniversaire40.48%
34red op01017 jpn🚦 🚦one40.48%
35scellÉ pokemondisplay eevee heroes40.48%
36japonaise scellÉ pokemondisplay eevee40.48%
37film red op01017 jpn🚦40.48%
3810 🇫🇷 swsh farayquaza40.48%
39evolution celeste 194203 fr🚦40.48%
40robin premium card collection40.48%


# URL Whois Check
1https://ebayestimation.fr Whoisebayestimation.fr
2 https://pages.ebay.com/seller-center/listing-and-marketing/promoted-listings.html Whoisebay.com
3 https://developer.ebay.com/ Whoisebay.com
4 https://www.ebayinc.com/stories/press-room/fr/ Whoisebayinc.com
5 https://careers.ebayinc.com/ Whoisebayinc.com
6 https://www.facebook.com/eBayFrance Whoisfacebook.com
7 https://twitter.com/eBay_FR Whoistwitter.com
8 https://www.instagram.com/ebay_fr/ Whoisinstagram.com
9 https://www.pinterest.fr/ebayfr/ Whoispinterest.fr
10 https://ar.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
11 https://www.ebay.com.au Whoiscom.au
12 https://www.ebay.be Whoisebay.be
13 https://bo.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
14 https://br.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
15 https://cl.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
16 https://www.ebay.cn Whoisebay.cn
17 https://cr.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
18 https://www.ebay.de Whoisebay.de
19 https://sv.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
20 https://ec.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
21 https://www.ebay.co.uk Whoisco.uk
22 https://gt.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
23 https://hn.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
24 https://www.ebay.com.hk Whoiscom.hk
25 https://www.ebay.in Whoisebay.in
26 https://www.ebay.ie Whoisebay.ie
27 https://il.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
28 https://www.ebay.it Whoisebay.it
29 https://www.ebay.co.jp Whoisco.jp
30 https://www.ebay.ca Whoisebay.ca
31 https://kz.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
32 https://co.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
33 https://www.ebay.co.kr Whoisco.kr
34 https://www.ebay.com.my Whoiscom.my
35 https://mx.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
36 https://ni.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
37 https://www.ebay.nl Whoisebay.nl
38 https://www.ebay.co.nz/ Whoisco.nz
39 https://www.ebay.at Whoisebay.at
40 https://pa.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
41 https://py.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
42 https://pe.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
43 https://www.ebay.ph Whoisebay.ph
44 https://www.ebay.pl Whoisebay.pl
45 https://pt.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
46 https://pr.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
47 https://do.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
48 https://www.ebay.com.sg Whoiscom.sg
49 https://www.ebay.es Whoisebay.es
50 https://www.ebay.ch Whoisebay.ch
51 https://www.ebay.com.tw Whoiscom.tw
52 https://www.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
53 https://uy.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
54 https://ve.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
55 https://by.ebay.com Whoisebay.com
56 https://partnernetwork.ebay.com/ Whoisebay.com
57 https://www.ebayads.com/ Whoisebayads.com