Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of drugs.com shows: 4063 total words, 691 1-word, 1063 2-word phrases, 1140 3-word phrases, 1169 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (41 characters)
Drugs.com - Prescription Drug Information
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (101 characters)
Providing accurate, impartial information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs and OTC medications.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (27 characters)
Find Drugs & Conditions

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 691 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 1063 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1s t100.94%
2e f90.85%
3r s90.85%
4n o70.66%
5for the60.56%
6t u60.56%
7new drug60.56%
8c d60.56%
9follow drugscom50.47%
10l m50.47%
11drugscom on50.47%
12for health40.38%
13drug information40.38%
14pill identifier40.38%
15natural product40.38%
16m n40.38%
17health professionals40.38%
18today news40.38%
19is a40.38%
20on more40.38%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 1140 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1follow drugscom on50.44%
2indicated for the30.26%
3new drug approvals30.26%
4for health professionals30.26%
5today news for20.18%
6l m n20.18%
7k l m20.18%
8j k l20.18%
9i j k20.18%
10h i j20.18%
11g h i20.18%
12f g h20.18%
13d e f20.18%
14b c d20.18%
15c d e20.18%
16college of obstetricians20.18%
17american college of20.18%
18on more than20.18%
19more than 2400020.18%
20fish oil supplements20.18%
21guide phonetic search20.18%
22treatment effect of20.18%
23effect of early20.18%
24m n o20.18%
25o p q20.18%
26n o p20.18%
27eylea indicated for20.18%
28hcl injection carpuject20.18%
29in beef tissue20.18%
30is a vascular20.18%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 1169 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1tropionlung01 phase 3 trial20.17%
2r s t u20.17%
3d e f g20.17%
4e f g h20.17%
5f g h i20.17%
6g h i j20.17%
7h i j k20.17%
8i j k l20.17%
9j k l m20.17%
10k l m n20.17%
11l m n o20.17%
12m n o p20.17%
13n o p q20.17%
14o p q r20.17%
15p q r s20.17%
16q r s t20.17%
17s t u v20.17%
18b c d e20.17%
19t u v w20.17%
20x y z 0920.17%
21on more than 2400020.17%
22effect of early versus20.17%
23of early versus late20.17%
24today news for health20.17%
25eylea indicated for the20.17%
26inhibitor interchangeable biosimilar to20.17%
27vegf inhibitor interchangeable biosimilar20.17%
28factor vegf inhibitor interchangeable20.17%
29growth factor vegf inhibitor20.17%
30endothelial growth factor vegf20.17%
31american college of obstetricians20.17%
32college of obstetricians and20.17%
33c d e f20.17%
34treatment effect of early20.17%
35updated 6 may 202420.17%
36pro edition more resources20.17%
37drugs az pill identifier20.17%
38and natural products this10.09%
39pharmaceutical company directory latest10.09%
40information professional patient advice10.09%


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