Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of shows: 2485 total words, 341 1-word, 660 2-word phrases, 729 3-word phrases, 755 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (58 characters)
Deezer | Listen to music | Online music streaming platform
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (103 characters)
The power of music. 120 million tracks, new music, exclusive features, on iOS and Android. Discover now
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 341 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 660 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1live the121.82%
2the music111.67%
3music live101.52%
4month free101.52%
5learn more81.21%
61 month71.06%
7you can60.91%
8our music60.91%
9for free60.91%
10free trial50.76%
11your music40.61%
12try for40.61%
13transfer your40.61%
14accounts 140.61%
15sign up40.61%
16to deezer?40.61%
17to deezer40.61%
18more a40.61%
19more annual30.45%
20your fav30.45%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 729 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1live the music111.51%
2music live the101.37%
3the music live91.23%
41 month free70.96%
5try for free40.55%
6accounts 1 month40.55%
7learn more a40.55%
81month free trial30.41%
9learn more annual30.41%
10free learn more30.41%
11free trial learn30.41%
12trial learn more30.41%
131 account 130.41%
14at any time30.41%
15account 1 month30.41%
16month free then30.41%
17every year start30.41%
18off every year30.41%
19more annual discount30.41%
20start 1month free20.27%
21year start 1month20.27%
22listen to music20.27%
23599month try for20.27%
242 accounts 120.27%
25deezer subscription tier20.27%
26any deezer subscription20.27%
27to any deezer20.27%
28time these offers20.27%
29any time these20.27%
30subscription at any20.27%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 755 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1the music live the50.66%
2music live the music50.66%
3live the music live50.66%
4accounts 1 month free40.53%
5account 1 month free30.40%
6learn more annual discount30.40%
71 month free then30.40%
8free trial learn more30.40%
91month free trial learn30.40%
101 account 1 month30.40%
11off every year start30.40%
12try for free learn20.26%
13for free learn more20.26%
14to any deezer subscription20.26%
15free learn more annual20.26%
16year start 1month free20.26%
17start 1month free trial20.26%
18599month try for free20.26%
192 accounts 1 month20.26%
20subscription at any time20.26%
21any deezer subscription tier20.26%
22every year start 1month20.26%
23more annual discount 820.26%
24log in sign up20.26%
25any time these offers20.26%
26at any time these20.26%
27music app discover shaker10.13%
28friends all for free10.13%
29all for free you10.13%
30for free you can10.13%
31download the desktop app10.13%
32devices download the desktop10.13%
33reviews devices download the10.13%
34also download all your10.13%
35download all your favorite10.13%
36all your favorite music10.13%
37your favorite music and10.13%
38favorite music and listen10.13%
39music and listen offline10.13%
40and listen offline with10.13%


# URL Whois Check