Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of shows: 3005 total words, 403 1-word, 793 2-word phrases, 889 3-word phrases, 920 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (58 characters)
Homepage - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (154 characters)
Discover a service-oriented, globally-connected Christian church that is led by a prophet of God and seeks to follow Jesus Christ and His restored gospel.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 H1 tag on the page (42 characters)
Jesus Christ Taught Us to Love One Another

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 403 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 793 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1jesus christ182.27%
2of the121.51%
3of jesus91.13%
4book of81.01%
5latterday saints81.01%
6the church81.01%
7church of70.88%
8the bible70.88%
9learn more70.88%
10of latterday70.88%
11the bible?70.88%
12of mormon?60.76%
13the book60.76%
14the world60.76%
15christ of60.76%
16of mormon60.76%
17god a50.63%
18more about50.63%
19more a50.63%
20we believe50.63%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 889 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1church of jesus70.79%
2of jesus christ70.79%
3the church of70.79%
4of latterday saints60.67%
5christ of latterday60.67%
6book of mormon60.67%
7the book of60.67%
8book of mormon?60.67%
9jesus christ of50.56%
10learn more about50.56%
11members of the40.45%
12a church near40.45%
13church near you40.45%
14of the church30.34%
15about god and30.34%
16find a church30.34%
17in the bible20.22%
18and can help20.22%
19get to know20.22%
20jesus christ learn20.22%
21to jesus christ20.22%
22more about our20.22%
23on jesus christ20.22%
24of the world20.22%
25in the bible?20.22%
26latterday saints a20.22%
27can help us20.22%
28christ learn more20.22%
29what we believe20.22%
30a place where20.22%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 920 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1the church of jesus70.76%
2church of jesus christ60.65%
3of jesus christ of50.54%
4jesus christ of latterday50.54%
5christ of latterday saints50.54%
6the book of mormon50.54%
7the book of mormon?50.54%
8a church near you40.43%
9find a church near30.33%
10members of the church30.33%
11of the church of30.33%
12about god and jesus20.22%
13learn more about our20.22%
14christ learn more about20.22%
15jesus christ learn more20.22%
16and can help us20.22%
17of us and can10.11%
18us and can help10.11%
19all of us and10.11%
20can help us come10.11%
21learn more about how the10.11%
22help us come closer10.11%
23us come closer to10.11%
24him  learn more about how10.11%
25love for all of10.11%
26more about how the bible10.11%
27about how the bible and10.11%
28the bible and book10.11%
29bible and book of10.11%
30and book of mormon10.11%
31book of mormon work10.11%
32together do we believe10.11%
33do we believe in10.11%
34we believe in the10.11%
35for all of us10.11%
36mormon provide more understanding10.11%
37great love for all10.11%
38and redeemer of the10.11%
39and his divine mission10.11%
40his divine mission as10.11%


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