Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of bu.edu shows: 1889 total words, 341 1-word, 500 2-word phrases, 522 3-word phrases, 526 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (28 characters)
Homepage | Boston University
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (139 characters)
Boston University is a leading private research institution with two primary campuses in the heart of Boston and programs around the world.
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (0 characters)
H1 No H1 tag on the page (0 characters)

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 341 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 500 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1of a71.40%
2boston university51.00%
3and a40.80%
4parents alumnifriends30.60%
5bu today30.60%
6for mybu30.60%
7picture of30.60%
8photo a30.60%
9with a30.60%
10resources for30.60%
11faculty staff30.60%
12student portals30.60%
13staff parents30.60%
14office artifacts20.40%
15mybu student20.40%
16a black20.40%
17on the20.40%
18a picture20.40%
19portals faculty20.40%
20for a20.40%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 522 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1resources for mybu30.57%
2picture of a30.57%
3faculty staff parents30.57%
4staff parents alumnifriends30.57%
5for mybu student20.38%
6mybu student portals20.38%
7portals faculty staff20.38%
8of a woman20.38%
9photo a picture20.38%
10student portals faculty20.38%
11a picture of20.38%
12more resources for20.38%
13her phone dermatology10.19%
14animal organ transplants10.19%
15organ transplants save10.19%
16study shows a10.19%
17transplants save thousands10.19%
18save thousands of10.19%
19thousands of dying10.19%
20bu study shows10.19%
21dermatology bu study10.19%
22phone dermatology bu10.19%
23on her phone10.19%
24of dying people?10.19%
25selfie on her10.19%
26nose taking a10.19%
27her nose taking10.19%
28on her nose10.19%
29shows a correlation10.19%
30has bandages on10.19%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 526 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1faculty staff parents alumnifriends30.57%
2photo a picture of20.38%
3a picture of a20.38%
4more resources for mybu20.38%
5resources for mybu student20.38%
6for mybu student portals20.38%
7student portals faculty staff20.38%
8portals faculty staff parents20.38%
9skip to main content10.19%
10save thousands of dying10.19%
11who has bandages on10.19%
12woman who has bandages10.19%
13a woman who has10.19%
14of a woman who10.19%
15picture of a woman10.19%
16thousands of dying people?10.19%
17organ transplants save thousands10.19%
18transplants save thousands of10.19%
19bandages on her nose10.19%
20animal organ transplants save10.19%
21can animal organ transplants10.19%
22a black hoodie healthmedicine10.19%
23with a black hoodie10.19%
24bed with a black10.19%
25hospital bed with a10.19%
26his hospital bed with10.19%
27on his hospital bed10.19%
28sits on his hospital10.19%
29transplant sits on his10.19%
30pig organ as a10.19%
31has bandages on her10.19%
32on her phone dermatology10.19%
33on her nose taking10.19%
34and desire for cosmetic10.19%
35headshot of a woman10.19%
36a headshot of a10.19%
37of a headshot of10.19%
38picture of a headshot10.19%
39the brink photo a10.19%
40procedures the brink photo10.19%


# URL Whois Check
1https://bu.bncollege.com Whoisbncollege.com
2 https://goterriers.com/ Whoisgoterriers.com
3 https://twitter.com/BU_Tweets Whoistwitter.com
4 https://www.facebook.com/BostonUniversity/ Whoisfacebook.com
5 https://www.youtube.com/user/bu/ Whoisyoutube.com
6 https://www.linkedin.com/school/boston-university/ Whoislinkedin.com