Page Info Checker

Keyword density analysis of aptoide.com shows: 2975 total words, 413 1-word, 768 2-word phrases, 872 3-word phrases, 922 4-word phrases

Title Try to keep the title under 60 characters (43 characters)
Aptoide - The alternative Android app store
Description Try to keep the meta description between 50 - 160 characters (97 characters)
Find, discover and download the best apps and games for Android in the official Aptoide app store
Keywords Meta keywords are not recommended anymore (97 characters)
android apps, android games, download android games, best android apps
H1 H1 tag on the page (72 characters)
Find the best mobile games and apps in Aptoide, your favorite app store!

Analyze Keyword Phrases

One Word Phrases

# Words 413 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density

Two Word Phrases

# Words 768 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1of the202.60%
2game of192.47%
3the week182.34%
4on a101.30%
5editorial home91.17%
6social icon60.78%
7get ready60.78%
8on an50.65%
9and a50.65%
10our game50.65%
11and podcasts40.52%
12music and40.52%
13to a40.52%
14is a40.52%
15spotify music40.52%
16card appcoins30.39%
17ready to30.39%
18new game30.39%
19as the30.39%
20in the30.39%

Three Word Phrases

# Words 872 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1game of the192.18%
2of the week182.06%
3our game of50.57%
4music and podcasts40.46%
5spotify music and40.46%
6keep reading to30.34%
7adventures farm game30.34%
8get ready to30.34%
9walking dead survivors30.34%
10need to know30.34%
11you need to30.34%
12everything you need30.34%
13embark on a30.34%
14android game that20.23%
15shareit transfer share20.23%
16day on earth20.23%
17players on an20.23%
18purchasediscover everything about20.23%
19everything about appcoins20.23%
20microsoft swiftkey ai20.23%
21swiftkey ai keyboard20.23%
22transfer share files20.23%
23new game of20.23%
24card appcoins icon20.23%
25zombie state roguelike20.23%
26brand new game20.23%
27our brand new20.23%
28the game of20.23%
29as the game20.23%
30clash of kings20.23%

Four Word Phrases

# Words 922 Words H1 Title Des Volume Position Suggest Frequency Density
1game of the week171.84%
2our game of the50.54%
3spotify music and podcasts40.43%
4you need to know30.33%
5everything you need to30.33%
6new game of the20.22%
7appc icon a bonus20.22%
8purchasediscover everything about appcoins20.22%
9music and podcasts 42720.22%
10keep reading to learn20.22%
11reading to learn everything20.22%
12to learn everything you20.22%
13last day on earth20.22%
14learn everything you need20.22%
15our brand new game20.22%
16need to know editorial20.22%
17marvel contest of champions20.22%
18microsoft swiftkey ai keyboard20.22%
19klondike adventures farm game20.22%
20shareit transfer share files20.22%
21the walking dead survivors20.22%
22brand new game of20.22%
23to know editorial home20.22%
24as the game of20.22%
25the game of the20.22%
26and get ready for10.11%
27thrilling android game that10.11%
28of the week is10.11%
29the week is a10.11%
30week is a thrilling10.11%
31is a thrilling android10.11%
32a thrilling android game10.11%
33wide range of cars10.11%
34players on an exhilarating10.11%
35android game that takes10.11%
36the week mu dragon10.11%
37on an exhilarating journey10.11%
38an exhilarating journey filled10.11%
39exhilarating journey filled with10.11%
40journey filled with action10.11%


# URL Whois Check
1https://www.facebook.com/aptoide Whoisfacebook.com
2 https://twitter.com/aptoide Whoistwitter.com
3 https://www.instagram.com/aptoidestore Whoisinstagram.com
4 https://www.youtube.com/user/aptoide Whoisyoutube.com
5 https://www.linkedin.com/company/aptoide/ Whoislinkedin.com
6 https://www.tiktok.com/@aptoidestore Whoistiktok.com
7 https://discord.com/invite/NuPWsNyu9w Whoisdiscord.com
8 https://aptoide.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Whoiszendesk.com
9 https://aptoide.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?tf_24177375=sto_dev_dmca Whoiszendesk.com
10 https://catappult.io/ Whoiscatappult.io
11 https://wallet.appcoins.io/ Whoisappcoins.io